Monday, September 28, 2009

Aaron with an English accent!

Aaron has somehow already developed an English accent (or something like it), and it is hilarious. He turns it on and off, and it is especially prominent after he has been to pre-school or been playing with other kids. I am not sure whether he is doing it intentionally or not, it seems intentional to me, like he is kind of trying it out. He also has adopted certain phrases, such as “let’s have a look,” he uses “children” instead of kids, etc. Linnea has not changed her speech at all. Afer the first couple days of pre-school, she asked me, "mama, how do you say tomato?" There is a garden at school in which they grow tomatoes, so I knew where this was coming from. I explained the different pronunciation of tomato in England vs. in th U.S. She listened and then decidedly said, in Seattle, we say tomato!" clearing rejecting this funny new way of speaking.

Linnea continues to ask to ask to go back to Seattle, though no longer every day. She asks, “am I five yet?” as that is when we have told her we are returning. She and Aaron play airplane every day, in which they take trips to Seattle.

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope Aaron keeps his "bilingual" accent. One of my favorite things is hearing Shevel turn on the South African accent when he talks to his parents. I am glad to see you guys are having a great time!
