Monday, September 28, 2009

Organics and recycling

One surprise was the recycling situation. I thought that the UK was “enlightened” like Europe in things such as recycling and organic food. In this area at least, this is definitely not the case…. They don’t recycle cardboard or plastic, and you can not put food waste with the yard waste (though I think that Seattle is pretty ahead of the rest with this). It is so difficult to throw away things like cardboard and plastics that I am still saving them in hopes of better options soon. Eventually we will have to move out of our house due to lack of space….
The grocery stores have minimal organically produced food that I have found so far, and it seems that the priority is pre-packaged everything. I found a farm very close to our house that has a small cooperative store, but even this is conventional farming. I have not given up yet and think that there must be a better option out there.

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