Monday, September 28, 2009

Meade's teaching

Meade has been in school for a couple weeks now, and it has been going well for him. He has only six students in one of his classes and the most he has in any class is 17- very different from Garfield… He is teaching IB Chemistry , junior year science, and 6th grade science. (Yes, sixth grade!)

I still don’t know when I will hear about my ability to work, but hope to know by Nov. or December. I am in contact with the locums agency and hope to have all my paperwork ready so that if and when I am certified to work, I will be ready to start. For now, I am a stay at home mom.

The kids are overall doing well, but I think just now really beginning to understand that we are very far away from home and not going back anytime soon. Out of the blue the other day, Linnea looked at me with big, sad eyes and said, “I want to go back to my Seattle house.” It’s difficult to explain time to a three year old, two years is forever to them. They do seem to be assimilating to their new country however. I asked Aaron how much the pretend train ride will cost and he said "40 pounds." Linnea asked me the other day if I would like some tea, and I swear she said "tee-ee?" with that extra little something on the end. They begin pre-school this week, which we are all looking forward to.

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