Monday, September 28, 2009

Off we go!

My mom, Aaron, Linnea and I lugged our 8 army duffel bags (50 lbs each) to the checked baggage counter and I felt as though I had conquered it all when we weighed in ok (well, a little over, but they gave us a break). However, we still had about 18 hours of traveling left to endure. The flight was not too bad, all things considered, aside from when we nearly missed our connection in SF due to our outgoing flight being delayed. It was a truly awful experience. My mom and I were each carrying huge carseats on our heads, a very heavy pack on our backs, one extra duffel bag, and two screaming and crying three year olds trailing us. If that nice, brawny guy did not come out of the crowd to help us, we never would have made it.

The rest of the flight was ok, the kids slept most of it and enjoyed more pirate's booty and goldfish crackers than one would think possible.

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