Monday, September 28, 2009

Nursery school

Aaron and Linnea just completed their third week of pre-school (nursery school here). They are going to a Montessori school three mornings per week. It is very close to our house, so we can walk. They seem to enjoy it very much, no tears when I have left them the first day and since. I think they are pretty happy to be back in a social setting like this.

It is very different from our co-op experience over the last two years, in which the parents are very involved and all is touchy-feely and free. An example of the difference is that at the end of the session at co-op in Seattle, the kids run to and hug the teacher. Here, at the conclusion, the teacher stands at the threshold of the door and one by one she bids the child goodbye, instructing them, “I look in your eyes and you look in mine and we say good afternoon” with a formal handshake. Aaron and Linnea have not quite got this down yet.

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