Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall has arrived!

We had a beautiful September. It was sunny and warm (low 70s) essentially all month, with the exception of occassional mild rain. We were wearing flip flops and shorts (well, Linnea was of course wearing her "uniform"- that pink flowered skirt) and having picnics in the park or backyard nearly daily. A few days ago, this came to an abrupt end. The clouds came in, the temperature dropped and the leaves are changing. It is currently pouring rain. It is a nice change in some ways I guess- the air is crisp and fresh, the colors are beautiful....but it really limits what a mom with two three year olds can do (as everyone in Seattle knows). We are beginning to explore some indoor play areas and looking into classes like dance (can boys do ballet?) and music. I have been told (and I happily though maybe naively believe it) that the weather in Seattle is actually worse (less sun, more rain) than in England. I guess we will see.

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