Wednesday, October 7, 2009

All day pre-school?!

I think I may have mentioned that the government pays for or subsidizes early childhood education here. Most schools cost more than the government pays, so we have to pay a portion of the fee. The will pay for up to 5 half day sessions per week. We were using just three of these (three mornings). The director of the school suggested that we increase to 5 half days, as the increase in cost is minimal (20 pounds-about 32 dollars- each for 12 weeks) and she thought they could handle it. We did so, and so thisweek they attended preschool from 9-3:30 on two days. They were especially excited about bringing their own lunch (like Kyle and Jess do). The teachers said they were fine and they seemed pretty happy (though tired). Today, they had football (soccer), which Linnea looks forward to all week. According to the teacher (and according to Linnea), she is quite good.

I miss them while they are gone. It is very different than whileI was working when I hardly had time to think about anything else. The free time it affords me is somewhat overwhelming. I have not had time like this since...well....actually I am not sure when. Before medical school maybe? I am trying to adjust. :)

In the photos above, they are not at their school, but rather in the back garden of the pub by our house. I love them in their little school sweatshirts (not a uniform, though most schools do have one of course).


  1. It can be ovrwhelming at first to have time on your hands and being abroad. How long have you been living in England?
