Thursday, October 8, 2009

Last weekend

We had a nice weekend in the local area. We just obtained some bike seats for the kids and a bike for me from a family who is moving back to the states. We headed out to Great Windsor Park for a little ride, passing by people on horseback, cows in pasture, deer, deer and more deer and breathtaking scenery. The kids tolerated it, even liked it I think.

A fair, called Carter's Steam Fair, came to our village for the weekend. They set up in the field ("the green") close to our house. It was a nice, well run, little country fair. Linnea and Aaron loved it. She was into playing games, and, in fact, won the option to choose any prize, of which she chose the cheapest and loudest barbie phone of course. Aaron was very into the rides and was atypically more brave and adventurous than Linnea. He sat on the train, horse, etc. looking very serious and pensive during the ride, then hopping off it smiling with glee when it was over.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fair picture because if you look closely you can see Meade and the kiddos in the distance..and those ominous clouds!
