Saturday, July 30, 2011

Final thoughts

These past two years living abroad and especially the last five weeks camping have been a unifying experience for our family. We have learned, discovered, grown and had a lot of fun together. Life has been simpler for us during these last two years, and certainly for the last five weeks, than ever before. We have gained a new and different perspective of our country, of the world, and of ourselves. I asked Meade what he think he has gained and he answered, "some weight!" Yea, right, maybe one pound, not true for his wife----all those chocolate croissants and baguettes come with a price for some of us! :))

We are sad for our time in Europe to end and will dearly miss our friends here, but we are also very happy for all that we have to look forward to upon our return to the United States. Throughout the last five weeks, though they have enjoyed themselves immensely, Aaron and Linnea have continually asked, “When are we going to Seattle? When we will we see KK?” Though they do not even really know or remember their home in Seattle, they know that it is home, and there is no place like it....

Thank you for reading our blog, we hope that you have enjoyed it. Can’t wait to SEE you!

Love from Linnea, Aaron, Laurie and Meade

Above is a photo of all the stuff we fit into our lovely Rover and packed and unpacked ten times.

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