Sunday, January 17, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow!

Our backyard

As you may know, the UK was hit hard with snow and cold temperatures over in December and early January. It was the coldest consistent three weeks in 100 years or something and more snow than they have had in 30 years. We enjoyed this initially- playing in the snow, building snowmen (below is a photo of Linnea and Aaron with the neighborhood girls), sledding (sledging as they say here). Meade's school and the pre-school had several snow days, which is of course very unusal for here. They were fun, but I think we all were getting a little restless. One can only play, run, walk in sub-zero weather for so long.
As of earlier this week, the snow has all finally melted and the white replaced with green, which I must say is a welcome change.

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