Monday, January 4, 2010

Paris for New Years (with no kids!)

When we told Linnea and Aaron that we were going to Paris, France for a few days, Aaron responded, "Oh, you are going to eat a lot of baguettes mama!" And that we did, as, wow is Paris expensive! (much more so than England even).

Meade's parents took care of the kids for three nights, giving us this fantastic opportunity to spend time together in this incredible city. Our idea to spend new year's there was not very original; the city was crawling with tourists, busier even than summer we were told. We stayed in the lively Latin Quarter at a basic little hotel. Our tiny alleyway was packed full of Latin/French restaurants all competing for tourists over the best menu of the day and endless kebab shops that Meade at at daily. We spent a lot of time walking the streets. We also climbed 1/3 of the way up the Eiffel Tower, visited the Musee d'Orsay, the Louvre, and sat in cafes eating pain au chocolat and drinking cafe au lait (my favorite thing to do in Paris I think).

We spent New Year's eve with some friends of ours, Tammy and Chris. We enjoyed a decadent meal of fondue, rocklette and champagne, which was stupendous. We then headed over to Champs de Elysses amidst tens of thousands of people and then the Eiffel Tower for the count down to midnight accompanied by a light show on the tower. It was a fun and very memorable night.

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