Thursday, June 30, 2011


We have now moved out of our house in Englefield Green and have begun our 5 week European camping trip. Following this, we will return to England for a couple days and then fly to California, stay there for ten days and then go home to Seattle.

Today is the 5th day of our trip. We took the ferry across the channel and then stayed near Reims, France for a night. Our first camp site welcomed us to France with cold champagne (at a price of course) and homemade, delicious pizza. It was near 90 degrees, but the kids still jumped on the trampoline and made the most of it.

We then headed to Lake Geneva, which again was boiling. We spent all day at the pool complex adjoining the campsite. We decided that Lake Geneva was a bit commercial and busy, changed our plans and drove two hours east to Interlaken, where we are quite happy with our decision. Seeking a bit of the more typical quaint, mountainous Swiss village, we had found it. We are camping at a site near Lake Thun, not far from the town of Interlaken.

In a valley, we are surrounded by green rolling hills, Swiss cottages, and rugged mountains, including glaciated peaks (unlike anything in England that is for sure!). The only downside is that upon our arrival, it started to rain, and I don't mean a little Seattle light rain, pouring down rain including thunder and lightning all evening and all night long. Turns out our tent does not leak and the following two days were quite pleasant. We visited Interlaken and then took a mounatain train 2300 feet up from Interlaken and enjoyed incredible views of the lakes, the town, and surrounding peaks.

The next day, we drove up the Lauterbrunnen valley and took two gondolas up to Murren at 2800 feet. The clouds parted and we were able to view the glacial peaks as a backdrop to green rolling hills and, quaint swiss cottages (each with those beautiful little flower boxes overflowing with pink and red and shuttered windows- so perfect!) . We then walked back down, with Aaron and Linnea completely fascinated by the flow of water from the many (70 they say!) waterfalls and streams along the way. Back at the campsite, Linnea and Aaron swam in the freezing little pool and played with their new friend, Sara, a three year old British girl.

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