Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Christmas crazed country

I thought that the United States went a little overboard with the commer-cialization of Christmas beginning in late November. Well, the UK takes what we do to another level...and then some. As Thanksgiving is no distraction, that leaves much of November and December to get into the Christmas spirit. And do they ever. It is everywhere! And, as apparently the entire country is filled with Christians, there does not seem to be much concern with those of other religions being offended or annoyed. No, it is all about Christmas, no "Happy Holidays" here. They teach the children Christmas songs in preschool and place Cristmas trees all over the place. It's very interesting to me.

We have been enjoying this celebratory ambience in the city and around. We visited one of the German Christmas markets in London, the one on in Hyde PArk, which I think is the largest. It consisted of a fair with lots of rides and games, stall upon stall selling hot chocolate, mulled wine, sweets and sausages or arts and crafts, and an ice skating rink. The kids loved it to say the least. The following day, we visited Santa in Savill Garden, which is near our house. Aaron actually was the braver of the two and did talk with Santa a bit, though no one sat on his lap (not sure that was even an option). Neither knew what they wanted for Christmas, but Santa said he knew and had received the email that we moved to England so he knew where to find us.....
The twins has a Christmas party and show last Friday. They have learned several Christmas songs at school (several with dance moves as well), which they sang for the parents followed by a pot luck lunch. Aaron and Linnea both did really well- Aaron was out in front showing off his dance moves, which you can sort of appreciate in the photos.

The photo of Linnea and Aaron and the two boys are their twin friends, Gabriel and Elliot, who are 4 years old and from California. Aaron and Linnea are crazy about them.

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