Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mallorca- highlights

One of the highlights of the trip was Linnea's pony ride (which I think was a stretch of the word "pony," the thing was huge!) The stable allows people to lead the pony alone through the forest. This obstinate "pony" repeatedly ran (and at one point seriously galloped) for the bushes in order to eat, refusing to walk, with Linnea sitting in the saddle looking happy and unconcerned as could be. Aaron chose not to participate and walked along with us.

Probably our best day there was our time at Cala Mondrago, which is a beach within a national park and the most beautiful beach we visited. The kids loved all the beaches, but this one was especially nice. The water was as torquoise blue as I have ever seen it, the sand white and fine and the sun warm and bright. The kids spent hours playing in the sand, building sand castles and playing in the water (even Aaron took a few dips in the sea to our surprise).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Johnsons, looks like a pretty cool vacation, can't go wrong with a beautiful beach...I just caught up on the last couple months' worth of blogs. Keep 'em coming, it's pretty neat to know what life is like for you over there. Seattle is the same. We miss you!
