Thursday, December 2, 2010

October- Barb and Don's visit and Bath

In October, Meade's parents, Barb and Don, came to visit for a couple weeks. Don traveled up to Edinburgh to visit a cousin, while we all went to Bath for the weekend. With its grand terraces, lofty townhouses of honey-colored stone, and one of the world's finest Roman spas, it is no hard to see why the whole city has been named a World Heritage Site by Unesco. We did an abbreviated tour of the baths (not the most captivating thing for 4 year olds, but they did great) and walked to the Circus, a magnificent circle of 30 houses. We stayed in a loft of a family's farmhouse (pictured) and enjoyed the best farmhouse bread and honey we have had since being in England.

On our way home, we stopped at Stonehenge for a brief walk around and also visited a Wild Animal Park.

For the rest of their visit, we mainly spent time at home with the grandparents thoroughly enjoying Linnea and Aaron.


It has been freezing cold here for the last several days and finally snowed a bit (about 2 inches) last night. We had a snow day today and looks like another tomorrow. We went sledding on a hill a short walk from our house with the neighbor girls. Lots of fun.


We had always told the kids that we would go to Legoland when mommy gets a job in England. So, after my first week of work at a local hospital, we finally went. It was the last weekend that they were open until next spring, frigid temperatures and 1/3 the price- perfect for us.