Thursday, February 25, 2010

The long winter

I have not written for a while- there has not been too much going on for us. Well, "us" being the kids and me. Meade actually has gotten out and about a bit recently, though since he does not take photos, you will have to use your imagination. In late January, he went to Mombasa, Kenya for a teacher-training for his school. He spent most of his time indoors learning, but did have the opportunity to see the city and surrounds a little as well as to hang out with several African teachers, which was overall an interesting experience. In early February, he spent a week as one of two chaperones for a high school ski trip in Austria. His job was to ski with the advanced skiers, poor guy. (How does he always finagle these things, I really don't know!) They had 2 feet of fresh powder for much of the week and he had a fantastic time.

Here at home, we did just fine.
The bitterly cold winter continued on, but we were able to get out and have some fun. We visited Hampton Court Palace, which is located sort of between our house and London. The grounds are beautiful, and will be even more so in the spring when it is not 30 degrees out! We learned more about King Henry VIII; Aaron and Linnea are getting to know him quite well, though I think they are still calling him "Henry the ape!"

The photo on the right is mistletoe growing in the branches of a tree next to the palace. It is everywhere around here and so odd-looking.

My dad visited during part of the time that Meade was away, offering me some respite from solo- parenting. We mainly just hung out around our area, going to parks, playing at home, etc. We did take the train into London one day and visited the London aquarium, which the twins really enjoyed. Aaron and Linnea really loved having my dad here- they warmed up to him immediately and couldn't get enough of him.

My dad and I also went into London and saw Oliver, which was fabulous ("fab," as they say here).

I also had the opportunity to go into into London a couple times last week, once to see Mama Mia with some teacher girlfriends and then to see Dave Matthews with a my college friend, Janine. He is not so popular here, which was kind of funny- he played in an indoor amphitheatre and it was not even sold out. He was awesome though, so much fun.

We are still waiting for our spring to arrive. Temperatures are still in the 40s. We are supposed to hit 50 this week, which is actually exciting. It has been the coldest winter in 31 years. I have not been thrilled to be a part of this history. However, the daffodils are starting to come up, the days are getting longer, and I am hopeful for a nice spring.

Aaron and Linnea are doing well. They enjoy school and have made several friends. They went to a birthday party last weekend, which was a highlight for them. Linnea still talks about Seattle almost daily and asks to go to KK's house and Nana and Bapa's house frequently. Aaron follows her lead with this, but seems less invested in it. I do think that they are happy here, but they certainly miss their friends and family at home, as do we. We hope you are well.